d2mini's REAL 130g Rimless Cube Build Thread

haha, no. He recently discovered the tank and now loves to stand up and watch the fish and he tries to catch them through the glass with his paws. :)
beautifull tank! beautifull shots! if your ever in chicago hit me up id give you some swweet frags to take some pics for me lol
+1 top notch, i love this tank! cant stop starrin, truly inspirational, one day ill be able to go all out like this! lol one day, seriously though excellent choice with equipment, livestock and rockwork, excellent!
Your pictures disgust me!I hate you,I hate your dog,I hate your tank,I hate your house.Hmmmm..your wife is another matter.

I'm kidding,those pictures are good enough to be in a coral and fish book.They are that awesome!
I'm with Reeffreak... LOL...JK. I think you just raised the bar again. I'm never buying a camera.
I think he's cross-eyed, his top lip is in the wrong place, and he's gotta bunch of bumps on his forehead. But other than that, that's a great looking fish! LOL :)

I never really noticed that they actually have lips just like we do..They almost look like human lips.
Reeffreak and I are starting the "D2mini Player Haters Society of Hillbillies that dislike cameras and people who take pictures Club"