Dying Flame Angel?

I officially have the tank of doom. My clown is dead, wedged in a rock and another chromis is missing. I have 1 chromis and the wrasse swimming around now.
I feel like you guys are my grief support group. Thanks for all your kind words, the last 24 hours have been really hard. My tank means so much to me and this is just stinks.
I am wondering if the Flame had some sort of disease? I do not have a QT and perhaps it would have really made a difference. Hopefully someone can learn from my losses and avoid the same situation and heartbreak.
I officially have the tank of doom. My clown is dead, wedged in a rock and another chromis is missing. I have 1 chromis and the wrasse swimming around now.
I feel like you guys are my grief support group. Thanks for all your kind words, the last 24 hours have been really hard. My tank means so much to me and this is just stinks.
I am wondering if the Flame had some sort of disease? I do not have a QT and perhaps it would have really made a difference. Hopefully someone can learn from my losses and avoid the same situation and heartbreak.
Sarah your giving me flash backs.... I had the tank of DOOM this past summer it took 2 1/2 months to recover what I have and I'm still fighting things here and there. but hang in there you will make it out of this sometimes tanks jump in to mini cycles or fish friends bring things like Hannah said its ok sure the losses are bitter. But just keep at it and on things check pram's do your water changes and work your flow re work your times on lights all things we can fix for our reefs. So please hang in there and reap the benefits (beauty) of a reef tank.

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I had a Blue Fin Damsel that when I moved into my 220Gal was not making the trip and that fish is mostly white with yellow fins.

By the time he got to the fish store he was close to black in color from being so stressed. He just flopped to the bottom of the tank.

I stayed there to watch him because the lady just walked away. She came back and took a new and moved him and he coughed up some stuff that looked like poop 2 times and sort of moved around.

Finally the owner came by and pushed water over him and he started to swim but then stopped so after a bit my brother kept doing it and finally he was up and going. I called the next day and he was A Ok.

My point is sometimes you can save what might have been a dead fish with simple techniques.

I am very sorry though for the loss of the fish.