Eggs on live rock

R Cubed

Reefing newb
Hey got some eggs on a piece of live rock. They are very tiny. I've posted a close up and the whole rock for some perspective. It is a fairly new setup, about a month old. Here is what I've got in the main tank: Two oacillated clowns. Small about an inch and a half. (They are too young to spawn and the eggs are the wrong color), three blue legged hermits (but they don't lay their eggs on rocks), a large nassarious snail. (wrong packaging, color, and appearence), and a couple of softies. That is it for the main. It is a 5.5gal tank with a custom 3.5gal display fuge. In the fuge are: Three blue leggs and three nassarius. I'm thinking the eggs came in on the live rock. So if anyone has an idea of what they are I'm curious. Thanks


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Were they there since day one? Have they changed any? Cool though :) maybe it is a case of teen pregnancy lol babies makin' babies :mrgreen:
Not sure if they were there from the start I just noticed them the other day. Yah I don't think they will hatch or if they do live very long after. Was just curious as to what they may be. Thanks for the reply.