Erin's tineh tank EXTRAVAGANZA!

He's pretty sweet. I need to do a WC and give everything a good scrub down tomorrow.

(moving.... :shakes fist:)

We'll see. Mebbe.
Oh gosh. I'm so ashamed of this tank right now. I'm still fighting off an algae issue (that seems to by dying off... first cyano and now we're on hair algae).

My clown went carpet surfing... and I just... yeah. I'll get something up soon.
Wow sorry to hear all that Erin.. When I got Cyano what worked for me was Poly Filter. Added it one week then cyano was disappearing then changed the filter out and haven't seen it back. I change it out once a month and my sand is bleach white again.
Yeah the cyano is pretty much gone. I just stepped up water changes and cut my lighting cycle down by about an hour (I don't know if that actually helped, but there it is).

It's coming around. It's just taking a long time.
Thanks Bryan. It seems to be dying off. I've just been pulling it and siphoning off the stuff that's losing it's grip.

It's a long fight but I feel like I'm winning. :)


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Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. You see all that algae still??? That's after MONTHS of fighting it.

I swear to god if I pick up some terrible tank STD I'm going to scream.