goby compatability


Reefing newb
Anyone have some suggestions for wrasses or dottybacks compatible with small gobies, jawfish, dragonets, and blennies? 120 tank btw. Im looking for some open swimmers. Everything else i have chosen will hang out on the rocks or substrate. Im not worried so much about food dominance as i will target feed, but i dont want trouble makers. They need not be the most colorful, Im looking for personality and habits.
What kind of dragonet are you planning on getting? Because mandarins will need more mature tanks with lots of pods to eat...unless you can find the ones that readily eat frozen (those are hard to find, but some have been successful training theirs to eat frozen. That said, I've always been partial to 6 lines :) But add them towards the end. You should be able to find a small one to grow with its tankmates. But I love mine.

You can also check out liveaquaria.com where a lot of us look up quick facts about fish and compatibilities :)
I want to add some red scooter "blennies" and perhaps a sea moth. If i buy mandarins they will most likely be a red ORAs. Either way I will have tons of pods before i add any dragonets. Cant find much info on the sea moths, so i figure ill treat them as a wild mandarin. 6 line is high on my list. Most of the other wrasses have conflicting info on behavior depending on where you look. From what Ive read so far the 6 lines are either well behaved or annoying.
Any fish can be well behaved or annoying :D I bought a Kole Tang because live aquaria and a couple of people said they were great fish....until he recently turned bully and others chimed in that their kole tangs are a-holes LOL You never know how a fish will turn out!
Its amazing how different animals can be induvidually and as a species. The colony of jawfish that Im doing, i wouldnt be able to do with bluedot jaws. They would hammer each other.
my sixline wrasse is a model citizen the red scooter I have is non stop looking for food .. make sure to have enough pods for him..