Half this rock looks dead


Reefing newb
I have this piece of LR that i love the shape of and it seems to not grow coraline on a section of it. It also has grown these polyps,kinda hard to see any ID? just curious.

ps sorry for the crappy photos only camera i have is on my phone.


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it does look like i have em cuz they do spit off like a web when i do water changes. so only way to control it is take out that pc?
I would boil some water, take out the rock, and pour the boiling water over them. Do it several times.
What is spitting out webs are probably vermetid snails. I got some good pics of colonial hydroids. I'll see if I can dig one up for you to compare.
Here is a pic of colonial hydroids being overgrown by a purple sponge. Funny how they can bother other corals but sponges seem immune to them.
Mine were always little patches so I'd pull the rock and use a hammer and chisel. Just chip off the spot they were at and put the rock right back in. Not sure that would work in your situation. You may have to end up killing the rock.
ya mine is actually pretty bad its spread a lot but only one major colony like the one in the picture. so i dnt mind removing it and killing it but u think it will come back later onn down the road when i put the rock back in?
This stuff is super hard to get rid of, the only way I have ever heard of someone successfully removing this stuff is to remove the whole rock and kill it.
ya that's what im gunna end up doing, pulling the rock after work tonight and killing it. When i reintroduce it back into the tank it will come back alive correct? well would the hydroids too?
The hydroids wont come back per say....with others in the tank, new ones could show up where the dead ones are. Continuing the brutal cycle. Do you have someplace to recure the rock or is it going right back in the tank? I'd be worried about putting that much dead organics back into the tank and blowing all the params out of whack.
gunna either bleach bath it and then let it dry for a month or so. or just leave it out in the sun. seein its very cold in chicago idk how that 2nd option is gunna work. what would u 2 suggest? does baking it make ur house smell?
Dont bake it, if there is a gas pocket in the rock somewhere it could explode and cause lots of issues. I would give a good bleach bath. Let it soak for a few days in the solution.
Boiling it will stink, but it will do the trick. I wouldn't advise this unless you can open a window or two. :)

Bleaching the rock then letting it dry out would be the way to go. Colonial hydroids are a tough pest to get rid of. I wouldn't mess around with them. Get rid of them as soon as you can.