Hi There!


Reefing newb
Just found this great forum stumbling around looking on the web.
Anyways I am a long time freshwater guy and only recently went saltwater over a year ago ... and haven't looked back. Currently I run a 110 gallon reef (with a 40 g sump), a 5 gallon nano and a 20 gallon "time out" tank for a misbehaving yellow tang. I focus on sun corals and montipora plates and as for fish - tangs. Took a couple of photos of the tank for everyone to see - its a lot more impressive when the sun corals open up (in another 3 hours).


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Hello and welcome to the site!

If you have your tang in a "time out" tang already, why not just take him back to the store?
PIc's with Sun Corals opened.

As for the Yellow Tang - I am planning on putting him back in the display tank in probably a week or so. I'm pretty well done stocking the main tank. He was in the time out because he was too aggressive with the new additions - to the point where i was afraid they wouldn't eat. They are all fairly established now and everyone eats like a pig.


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