How to use a voltage meter


I failed Kobayashi Maru
I'm clueless when it comes to electricity. I got this GE Digital clue how to use it when checking for voltage in my tank. I stuck my finger in my sump, and it hurt like hell. I checked with my voltage pen checker thing, and it definitely registered something (the dt did not seem to be affected). So. How do I use this thing??

I have this, plus of course, the red and black probes:

the only way that i know would be to put it on volts ac and put the black to a ground like the round part of ur electrical plug and the red lead where it hurt, and yes im an electrician for 12 years so hopefully this help.
I also had some help from Kid last night :) I set it to 200m (then also tried 20m). It detected around 001-006 (I don't know what unit it is). No clue if it's harmful or not. It's in the sump. Nothing detectable in the dt. But I will be going to the lfs today to see if they have a ground probe.