Is my tank going to cycle?


Reefing newb
So I bought a tank off of craigslist. Its a marine land eclipse system 12 gal. The tank already had sand and some rock in it with about 3-4 gallons of water in it. Idk how long it has been sitting like this. But the rocks have darkening on them and white where there were on the sand. The light didn't work on it so I think thats why it wasn't being used anymore.

Since then Ive filled it all the way up and turned it on. It took about 7-8 gallons of water. Is the tank going to have to cycle again?
Almost for sure. I would've changed the sand or rinsed it very good in RO water. Same with the rock. You never know what kind of nasty crap is in/on there.
Ahh I wish I would've done that. I didn't. It's already filled up and running. do you think it's going to be alright? Should I just let it go?
No there isn't. But I am in somewhat of a time restraint. Just trying to get it done as soon as possible as a christmas gift. So I don't want to tear it down if i don't need too. So what I am getting at is what are the fears of letting it go? it looks really clean as of now. The salinity is at 26.
Sorry no test kit, I guess i should probably get one... I just bought this little ammonia tester and it says theres no ammonia in it the tank. My plan was to hope there was no need for tank to cycle again and to check if it was i have the little ammonia tester in there to tell if it spikes, if it does then I'm in no rush to let it cycle. But id rather not have to wait. But here are some pics. The last pic is the ammonia tester and the center which isn't visible in the pic is suppose to turn one of the colors to tell what the levels are and currently its yellow which says safe.


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Wl, I'm sure you'll get a cycle from all the dead stuff, and on top of that, I'm sure there was loads of junk in that sand that got stirred around. And lastly, I hate to have more negatives, but you can't really trust a tester like that. Liquid test kits will always be superior. The ones you should definitely have are Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, Hardness, pH and a refractometer for salinity. Hydrometers are notoriously inaccurate. If you plan on corals in the future, you can add Calcium and maybe Magnesium.
Yeah I hear you. Im a pool guy so i understand the need for them I have hardness pH and both digital salinity tester and refractometer. So all i need really is ammonia nitrite and nitrate. But no i am not planning on having any coral in it any time soon. Im merely setting this tank up for my nephew who's father is going to maintaining it. So all he wants is a clown fish and thats it. So ill put some hermits and maybe an emerald in there with the clown but I'm just trying to get a clown in it as soon as possible for them. So pH is 8.1, salinity is 1.026 and i haven't checked the hardness. But I'm going to put a little bag of de*nitrate i by seachem in soon as well. And I don't really need that little meter to be 100% accurate just whether its way up there or hardly any at all.
I just went and got an api ammonia test kit and no ammonia came up. I know In the picture it looks green but I think it's my light because it looks light yellow In person. Anyhow got some green chromis to put in it. Will put a pic up when they're in.


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Just test for nitrite and none present. So no ammonia no nitrite and I'm putting some de*nitrate tomorrow. As well as a 4 Gal water change. Ive had 2 little green chromis and 3 hermit crabs living it there for a little bit now. 3 days for the chromis and 5 days for the hermit crabs and its going to be 1 week tomorrow science its being up and running again. I think i got lucky without a serious cycle. We'll see.
I personally wouldnt bother with the denitrate unless your nitrate is really high. Just stick to the water change :)