Leather question


Reefing newb
Two weeks ago, I put a finger leather in my tank. For the first few days the polyps opened up and it look great, however the last 4 or 5 days, it has not opened up. I have a toadstool in the same tank and it opens up and has full head of polyps every day. Should I be concerned??
My water parameters are, SG 1.020, PH 8.4, Ammonia 0.25, Nitate 0, Nitite 0.1, and Total ALK in the norm range. Temp 78 degrees. I was reading a post about lighting, I run mine about 12 hours a day, might that be the problem??
I would think most people would say your SP needs to be around 1.025 -- 1.026....but I couldn't tell you if that is what is causing your issues.
+1 rwynn, that's a little low.
Leathers will do that from time to time, they close up and shed wastes with a mucus-like discharge.

Good luck keeping that tang in a 67 gallon.