Little Fish's 46

i think you could do the rock much cheaper than that, get dry rock from and then just a couple lbs of live. or just move a piece over from your current tank. That is more than enough to get the bacteria in there.

That's a good idea...

little_fish said:
Also, you cant add all your fish, corals, and other inverts at once. You are going to add them a little bit at a time.

Yes, I took this into account. I would save a lot of money in shipping if I was able to buy them all at once.

PRC said:
Why are we mucking up Hannah's build thread with questions that have nothing to do with Hannah's tank?

We generally recommend if you have a question to ask it in the forum, so that you'll get more responses.

Yah you're right, sorry.
I don't mean to clutter up your build thread but from further research I found this: $10 Section

And the retail store is only a couple of hours away.
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More photos!

First, my equipment, which im not sure i ever posted.

Algae scurbber, just cleaned it, but for some reason its not acting right. Not sure whats up with it.

If you notice, there is a rubber plug in the end of my tubing because my stupid clown fish went down the overflow - after swimming through a couple layers of lighting mesh. Should have just let the idiot die. He has jumped out of tank, got suck in the pump and now this.

Here is my ATO sensor, works awesome and i cant believe i waited so long to hook this thing up. It is awesome!



Here is also is my solution to suicidal fish. I took a drain gutter and coated it with plastic dip. Going to let that dry for a few days, and then its going to go over the inlet of the siphon tube

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And so now for the fun pics!

Introducing! Los Banditos!!! I added 3 chromises a couple weeks ago, and i have to say i really like the little buggers. They have also made a remarkable change in the clowns. They still have their corner, but they come out a lot now and seem a lot more comfortable. They all school together, its pretty cute!








They are a onxy x picasso breeding. They were born/raised up in boulder. We have an amazing local born and breed pool around here. Its very cool! Lots of locally breed and raised captive clowns and cardinals.
Welcome to the new Chromie homies! Tank's looking really good -- you're right, it has come a long ways.

I also like the 2nd FTS the best.
I feel like they should be called "the Blurry Beasts" I had to take around 100 pictures to get one where they were all mostly in focus :D
Your tank is looking awesome Hannah! I like the second FTS straight on for the contest.

I just got a shipment of new rocks from BRS today and I think I might copy your super high wall in the corner! I believe you said you got that idea from someone else?? They have started a trend LOL
The fuzzy white coral is an encrusting gorgonian.

Does the tree trunk one have bright green polyps? If so that is a neon green toadstool. Otherwise, im not quite sure which coral you are talking about
More photos!

First, my equipment, which im not sure i ever posted.

Algae scurbber, just cleaned it, but for some reason its not acting right. Not sure whats up with it.

If you notice, there is a rubber plug in the end of my tubing because my stupid clown fish went down the overflow - after swimming through a couple layers of lighting mesh. Should have just let the idiot die. He has jumped out of tank, got suck in the pump and now this.

Here is my ATO sensor, works awesome and i cant believe i waited so long to hook this thing up. It is awesome!



Here is also is my solution to suicidal fish. I took a drain gutter and coated it with plastic dip. Going to let that dry for a few days, and then its going to go over the inlet of the siphon tube


What kind of plastic coating did you use for the drain? Do I think I could use the same coating for metal mesh for a custom lid for my tank. I want proper gas exchange and keep my temp more regulated but I have some jumping fish and I need to keep them in the tank! :D
Little fish where do you get all your coral selections. I love how many different kinds u have and the variety you got going on. I live in the springs so a drive to denver would be well worth my time to get some quality corals. Down here we have barely any to choose from and they are usually all bland and boring.