Little Fish's Little Lovely Cube


Reef pro
Well, here is the result of my downgrade. I must say, I am really fond of this little tank!
Volume: 18ish gals
Lighting: Par38 bulb
Flow: one 425 koralia, one 1400 koralia with alternating flow
All run by a Reef Keeper light

2 clowns - Gadget and Gizmo
Starry Blenny - Mr. Owbries
Psuedochromis - Bazzinga!

Originally, this tank was only suppose to be for the clowns and the blenny, but the psuedochromis hitched a ride over to the new tank in one of the rocks from my old tank. But, I cant say annoyed by this. He is a great fish and lives in a very different niche than the other fish. So he will do fine.






this tank looks great LF buttttt I am curious, where did the other tank go??

With school, I just didnt have the time to keep up with it. This tank is quite a bit less work to keep everything running, and its been cheaper to run as well. Also I will have to move this tank over the summer because I will be traveling to Africa and its doubtful if my roommate will be here/capable of taking care of it.

Also, it was really loud, which I especially notice now because this tank runs silent. It was waking me up at night, which is no good with all the school stuff. The gurggling at night waking me up thinking the tank was leaking.... :shock:

I was going to completely get rid of everything, but I was really heart broken about selling my clownfish. I know they are just fish, but I really enjoy them and I didnt want to let them go. They have come out and said hi to me for every school day (checking to see if I have food) for the past few years. I would really really really miss their funny little faces peeking out at me. I would miss Mr. Owbries chasing down the cleaning magnet and diligently searching the tank for leftover big food bits, which would then promptly be stolen by the clowns, but it would be too big for them to eat so they would spit it out and then Mr. Owbries would steal it back, then the clowns would come back again until the piece was small enough until someone could finally eat it. What can I say, I just love these guys. They have calmed me down after every bad test (of which there were many...) and I couldnt just sell them to someone on cragslist.

BTW, i sold the other fish to a neighbor and I do check in on them. I bought them, I feel responsible for their continued well being.

This was an excellent compromise.
Looks nice. I like the 'scape.

So you're taking the tank with you to Africa? How is that going to work? Surely more than "lots of buckets" lol :-)