Little question


Reefing newb
I have been around saltwater aquariums alot helping my stepfather take care of his tank that he has had for almost 7 years now and helping the LFS as a volunteer back home ... now im moved away and on my own setting up a saltwater tank of my own (FOWLR) its a 55 gallon with about 30 lbs of live and dry rock piled nicely on one side providing lots of nice cave work and refuges and another side thats open and good for fish viewing .... I have alot of extra filtration probably enough for a 100-125 gallon aquarium in that i have a Cascade 1000 canister filter, a 10 gallon tank converted into wet dry sump, and am planning on getting a 30 long to make into a refugium with another 30 or so lbs of dry rock and maybe some spaghetti algae for additional bio filtration and gallons to allow for maybe more fish .... Im kind of curious how such a tank would fair with a Dwarf fuzzy Lion, Snowflake Moray, Flame Angel, and Marine Betta with a clean up crew located in the refugium where they would be safe from the guts of those predatory fish please shed some light on my idea any positive criticism would be much appreciated thanks in advance
Hello and welcome to the site...glad to have you aboard. That sounds like a great setup, and my only advice would be to eliminate the canister filter, and only use it in emergencies to run carbon and other media.
Hi and welcome!
What an interesting selection of fish. Have you or your stepfather kept any of those together before?
Have you used the canister filter with success? Most of us on here do not use them due to nitrates and I'm just curious if it's worked out for you.
Yes my stepfather has a canister and HOB filter and protien skimmer on his 65 and he keeps a variety of soft corals in it along with a couple wrasses and a rabbitfish... forget what species it is off hand ... but I think once I get the refugium set up I'm probably gonna nix the canister .... and thanks for the insight on the CUC. Any idea how they would do in the tank with such fish? I have not had the pleasure to keep any of these fish with him but they are all beautiful in my books and I thought I'd give it a whirl.... but if you see an issue with the mix let me know and I can rethink it... the lion and snowflake aren't budging tho Bahamas
I would worry about the flame fish possibly becoming lunch at some point. I would probably add him first and get the biggest one you can find. I would add the dwarf second to last and the snowflake very last. They are known to eat fish that you add after they have been introduced to the tank. I would also add the tiniest eel and lionfish you can find.

Marine betta will eat shrimp but i dont think anything else will be bother by your choice of fish.
Snails and hermit crabs could conceivably be put into the tank then with no worries of them being eaten then? That is a nice thought.... would he expensive to continuously replace those lil buggers what about serpent stars or a sand sifting star? Would they be good additions to the CUC? Maybe I could swap out the angel for something a little bigger .... ill have to do some more research haha all the other fish in the correct size range for this tank my wife hasn't much cared for .... Google here I come
My snowflake never went after my snails or hermits. I also had a skunk cleaner in there with him, but I would think your lion would eat him.

I'd skip the sandsifter and go with a serpent. The sandsifters are something that don't really belong in anything other than a really huge, established system.
Depending on where you get them it can be cheap or expensive. But if you do have a fish that will eat hard shelled animals then you need to provide some for them to eat because they need to wear down their hard beaks.

Also I think a serpent star would do fine in your tank but a sand shifting star is a poor choice in any tank but the largest with huge open sand beds.
Awesome thanks everyone :) any suggestions on a colorful semi active fish thar would be happy in a 55 with a fuzzy dwarf snowflake and marine betta?
I cant think of anything that would fit well with that crew, but honestly the 3 of those fish are going to produce a ton of waste and I personally would consider the tank fully stocked with them.
Might have to rethink the MB then haha was hoping to have one but I think it would be a more active tank with something more colorful and.... active haha
Yeah, the eel, lion and betta are all very interesting fish but so limiting as well. And the betta seems like his behavior in a tank would be dull as he's mostly out and about at night and likes everything dim.