Lobster and reef


Reefing newb
Hey guys ,

I have an aquarium tank which is about 210cmX60cmX60cm

I will have 20 different types of sps. And 3-4 different anemones. And also planning to have Blue tang , Yellow tang , clown fishes and cardinal fishes and shrimps.

But my dream is RED REEF LOBSTER.


Is it safe to add a lobster to such tank?

I really want it. Can you inform me with some details.?


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They're opportunistic predators. So yes, even if you fed it, it would probably still go after your fish.

Seahorses are really difficult to keep. I highly suggest reading up on them
They're opportunistic predators. So yes, even if you fed it, it would probably still go after your fish.

Seahorses are really difficult to keep. I highly suggest reading up on them
what if I bought fishes about 4 inches. would they still go after fishes ? and do they kill also shrimps ?
they will eat anything they can get ahold of. they are reef safe with caution. they are also very destructive in a reef. they will tear your rock work apart in search of food. even if you feed it well they still have the chance to eat a fish shrimp or anything they catch.
Lobsters are opportunistic predators, they can and will eat fish, shrimp, snails, and all that jazz. It doesn't matter if you feed them, they are still willing and able to go after other inhabitants of your tank. On top of that, they are very shy, and tend to live in the sand / and or caves in the rock work - which means you will very seldom see them. Do you really want to have something in your tank that may be responsible for killing other livestock in your tank? To get it out, you'd literally most likely have to resort to tearing out all the rock work in your tank. As someone who has done it on a large tank, let me assure you that its NOT FUN

As others have said, sea horses don't do well in a normal reef tank, this is due to a couple of things - they don't like large amounts of flow, which is something that corals and anemones (as well as many reef fish) require - its not optional. Also, they dont do well with things that will sting them such as corals and anemone when they go to hitch on them

I understand this isn't what you want to hear, but everyone here is just trying to steer you in a direction that will lead to happy and healthy animals in your tank, and a happy hobbyist. Continue doing research and post back here as you plan out your system for feedback