Look at pics and tell me what you think

Aquatic Pet

Reefing newb
First of all, my tank is 55 gallon and I have 70lbs of live rock, 60lbs of live sand/arg. In the tank i have 2 Ocellarus Clowns, 1 yellow watchman goby, 1 royal gramma, 4 emerald crabs, 1 skunk cleaner shrimp, 2 peppermint shrimp, several snails and hermits and 2 pieces of the reef corals.

I have 2 powerheads on each side of the tank, a protein skimmer and a canister filter that I'm running phos-orb, carbon and filter pads. I clean the canister media at least once a week. I have 2 T5 bulbs, 1 coral and 1 sun. I leave the lights on 8 hours a day.

That being said, I recently am having this green algae grow on my live rock. It looks terrible. I took these pics in to the LFS and they said its totally normal and that is good algae. They told me this is pre-coraline algae. I will post pics in this post. The algae isnt slimmy or hairy. Its basically hard algae, more like a stain then it is soft. If it is normal, im ok with it but otherwise, what should i do to rid the tank of this ugly growth.


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try taking out the canister filter. Do you also do water changes? How old is the tank?

It could be pre coraline algae! Coraline can turn many different colors,

What are your nitrates, phosphates and so forth at?