My 45

Lol. Got few new pieces for 20 bucks. A frilly toadstool that is about 2x2 and a black sun coral that has 4 heads, and a pink something. it is kinda like a soft digi. will ake pics soon
Well, My cowfish got stuck on my Koralia And i noticed im at about 11 am. Threw alot of carbon in the tank in case he did indeed poison it. I threw some air in a 5g bucket and a heater along with my tank water. he has a big shite spot on him and is looking TERRIBLE! I do not think he is going to make it. I think I have come up with a solution to prevent this from happening again. I am buying a wavemaker and 3 Maxis so that it will not happen again. When i gt rich, i will buy a Koralia Wavemaker, But for now I am gonna put it on a timer of 30 on and 15 off. What do you guys think? This will be after i do get my wavemaker so there is always flow in my tank
My cosfish in a bucket a few hours ago. Also a tupperware full of carbon since i dont want everything to die!:passedout:(


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The carbon won't be very effective in a tupperware container. You need to put it somewhere that the water is forced through it, like in a filter or protein skimmer chamber. I would also make sure to have enough water ready to do at least a 50% water change.

Good luck with the cowfish, sorry to hear about his injury -- that really sucks!
Well, he didnt make it, but I dont think that he did poison my tank. That carbon in the tupperware was extra carbon. I also have some in my skimmer, but I thought even a little bit more would help. I did a 15g change and am gonna do 5 more tomorrow before I leave for LA
Been gona all Weekend. Im in East LA For a few more days. Going to the beach and gonna see what I can get from the tidepools. I went to the shak reef at Mandalay Bay In Vegas, It was pretty cool. I am going to get a Fiji Foxface here because I cant get them In Utah.
Got some snails From long beach. Got about 50 of them. Got them in my spare 10 making sure they do ok. I am going to be making that a Dwarf Seahose Tank and Raise them. I also ordered a Fiji Foxface that will be hee thursday hopefully
you should really give it a rest for a bit before adding something else man. not only did a fish just die, but it was a toxic one.