Octopus Skimmer...


Sushi Anyone????????????
Well, over the weekend I changed all the plumbing for my 125 out. I only had a single overflow and I was convinced I wasn't getting enough flow. So I bought a dual overflow rated for 1200 gph and a new pump rated for 1200 gph. My skimmer has worked fine but now that I have the new plumbing in it's spitting bubbles everywhere and shooting water into the cup. Absolutely rediculous. It's an Octopus and I'm not sure of the model number. I'm going to take some video and pictures tonight to post on here to see if we can figure this thing out. Does anyone have an idea off the top of their head? I have the water coming into a filter bag so there are no additional bubbles that might stir things up. Weird.
Is the water level in your sump higher than it was before?Most skimmers,once set up tuned in will do crazy things when the water level increases.
I wouldn't think it has. I've simply increased the flow. All the baffles have not changed. It's really got me puzzled. We'll see what ya'll think about the vid and photos when I get home. Bugging the shit outa me at work thinking about it.
Here we go. Take a look at the video and tell me what you guys think. I did a red slime remover treatment about 5-6 days ago. The skimmer hasn't run since then. I've done a 20% water change also. I had a similar problem with the skimmer when I bought it. It ran over in the cup for a couple days until it settled down. Weird.
Your skimmers plumbed into your overflow?
If it is,then the extra flow is causing the problem.At least thats my guess.
yote, did ya' see the video? it's just sitting in my sump. that's all. it's not plumbed into anything. i'm just wondering if i put it outside my sump if it will help things....thats what the other thread is about.
I seen the video.Guess I got confussed ( that happens a lot ) after I read your other thread.
Did you have all that foam in your filter sock before you done the plumbing?
I cant see replumbing it making that drastic of a change in your skimmer.
i just took everything apart. cleaned the skimmer, changed the filter sock, yadeyade. still, the same thing. so, anyone have any recommendations on a skimmer I won't have this problem with? the only thing I can think of is that the water level in my sump is too high.
Did you put in a larger pump? The red slime stuff could be causing all the foam. Not sure about the skimmer unless the water is to deep. Did you try it out of the sump (hang On) to see how it works?
I think I'm going to chalk this up to the water level being too high in the sump. I've ordered a recirculating sump from octopusskimmer.com so everything should be ok by this weekend when I get it. We'll see.