one tough coral


this is bat country
whats up everyone,about two months ago i had a little zoa frag fall into the abyss behind my rocks.It was not visible and i had to move my rocks to get it so i pretty much wrote it as a loss,today i cleaned my tank and found it with very small closed polyps still on it . I put it on a rock under my light and after an hour they opend back up.I just thought that was amazing how they went so long with no light and are still alive.I also just bought my first sps,a yellow porites got it for five bucks so i am givin it a shot.Its almost been a year with my tank and it is looking awesome.Thanks to everyone who has helped me over the past year i have learned alot.I am going to put some pics up later to show how its changed,and oh boy has it changed.
I have a lot of mushrooms and zoos in the dark corners of my tanks that washed behind the rocks. I even found some blue mushrooms growing in the filter material of a filter/powerhead. They were sqeezing through the intake crevaces during the day and receding into the filter at night. My best one yet was recent. I had a large snail barrel through an acro frag and break pieces off. Usually the acros pieces die if you don't attempt to glue them on a frag. I actually had an acro branch I found 3 weeks later lying in the sand that grew about 15% larger. I was amazed.