

Reefing newb
I finally drained my sump for my 90 gallon, took some measurements, went to Lowes and got glass cut to divide in into different chambers. It was just one big tank of water holding my skimmer, and return. I made the first chamber to fit my skimmer, second I want for a refugium, and third of course return and maybe heater.
My question is what will work best in the refugium?
I am having a bit of a phosphate problem they are around .25, and nitrates stay between 10 and 20.
Would just some live rock and chaeto be fine or should I add sand in there also?
And what type of light bulb over it does the chaeto need?
The heater should go in the first section with the skimmer. The third section (return) is where you will see all the evaporation, and you don't want your water levels rising and falling with a heater in that section -- the heater could break.

For the refugium, I would go bare bottom with live rock rubble and chaetomorpha algae. A regular CFL (squiggly) bulb will work fine for the chaeto.