

FOWLR Power!
Some of you might remember that I was having problems with my Dragon Goby digging HUGE holes in my sandbed and causing avalanches. Well, now that I've found him a new home, my sandbed is looking pretty grim.

Can anyone suggest a few decent sandsifting animals ( fish or inverts are fine ) that will not burrow to my sump?
My sandsifting star does a fabulous job and stays away from trying to go under the rock. I also have a diamond goby, he doesn't cause any trouble but it could depend on the personality of the fish...

Good luck!
In a tank your size I would add a couple of Sand Sifting Stars and maybe a Horseshoe Crab or two. They work for me.

We got a small horseshoe a while back and he's doing a fantastic job. Sometimes he gets himself stuck on the powerheads though... they're not very strong... or smart...

but anyway, we'll rehome him when he gets too big for our piddly little 55g.