Spider Webs on my Button Polys?!?


Reef'n The Day Away
Ummmm... Yea, so like the Polys have been doing AWESOME (picture entered in PTOM for August).. Over the past week I have noticed them starting to discolor and close with white filled "Heads" on one of them, and as i inspected closer yesterday, I saw umm... Spider webs on them?!?!?

The top arrow points to the Polyps head that looks like it is filled with white stuff (Cacoon?!?)

Bottom Arrow shows the area where I had approx 10-15 polyps draped in a "Cob web" of sorts.

What is it? They look all together pretty rough... Spiders?!?! REALLY????

What do I do?

I think you have the imfamous Black Sea Spider. It's rare and can only be seen at night with an UV flashlight. :mrgreen:

Actually Dane I have no idea. Biff, ccCapt and yote are going to have to handle this one. Sorry.
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Its all All Good David,

Ill tell ya what.. call me mean or inhumane if ya want, but what I have read about sea spiders and aquariums, Im seconds from throwing out this $10 poly frag before it spreads (i know, it could have already) to any of the more expensive pieces!!!

i would say the webs are from a worm but the white in the centers i have no idea about try a iodine dip. do the move at all. maybe some kind of nudi that is inside them. can you get a better pic or a couple more closer to the poylps?
i would say the webs are from a worm but the white in the centers i have no idea about try a iodine dip. do the move at all. maybe some kind of nudi that is inside them. can you get a better pic or a couple more closer to the poylps?

And no, they dont appear to be moving. Ever seen a "Dirt Dobber" plug up a hole? The White, center filled Polyp looks EXACTLY like that (if you guys tell me we have Salt water Dirt Dobbers Im going to quit).

Read down where it talks about vermitid snails. This is what it says"
The vermitid snail is yet another critter that lives in a tube. These filter feed by throwing out a mucous "net" to catch food. Most of the time, you won't see the worm but will be wondering what the "spiderwebs" in your tank are. Here's your culprit. They are harmless but can irritate corals if their nets are too close." I think we found your culprit.
So you gotta wonder... if they ARE the Vermit Snails, will a fresh water / iodine dip eliminate them? Should I just not worry?

Thanks for the info Mike!