Too many or not


The Great Tang Herder
Ok guys, most of you know I have a huge tank. My question is do I have too many fish in there.:shock: The list is as follows

Vlamingi Tang
Reagal Blue Tang
Unicorn Tang
Powder Brown Tang
Powder Blue Tang
Sailfin Tang
3 Chromis
Coral Beauty
Singapore Angel
Rustic Angel
2 Clown Skunks
1 Big Ass Blue Ribbion
The biggest fish in there is the sailfin at about 7 inchs and the powder brown is next at about 4 maybe 5 inchs. But the rest are very small so it will take awhile to grow to big for my tank. I am not goona add anymore to this tank if they the 2 powders survive. They just got out of the qt tank :mrgreen:
well guys I woke up this morning to find my beloved powder blue laying on the bottom of the tank, she was still breathing but really haveing a hardtime with it. I put her in the Qt tank but she didnt make it. I dont know if it was from an ass kickin from the powder brown cause they were getting along fine :frustrat: