Variko's 120


Reefing newb
So far the custom tank has been ordered, and my rock structure is built. I placed 2 1" drains about 4" from the top and 14" in from the sides on the back wall. The rock is in a u shape up on a platform made of pvc and clear light diffuser. Next is to build the stand once the tank is here. There will be a 55gal fuge under the stand, along with a 40g with an acrylic wet/dry filter modified to be a chaeto fuge. The acrylic will dump into the 40 gal which will be my return sump. Next to the tank will be a 29 gallon with mangroves. The 55 will house Xenia, Ulva, Gracilaria, Codium, hermits, and peppermint shrimp. It will be on a reverse light cycle. The Chaeto sump deal will run on a 24hr cycle. The mangrove tank may house an bta and pair of maroon clowns. (If my nem goes for a walk he wont sting anything this way). The main tank will be home to a colony of yellowheaded jawfish (6-8), a colony of barnacle blennies (love the Flyers orange eyes), a pair of yellow watchman, a pair of randall's, a few dragonets, and I havent decided on any others. Suggestions welcome. Discosoma mushrooms and frogspawn are the only corals I've decided on. Here are some pics of the rock work. It is 44" wide.


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man those rocks are tight!! ive been fighting my aquascape for a while now. just cant get the proper fung shwei (sp?) going. good work so far
Looks good!

Keep on eye on the amount of fish you are planning on though, your tank already sounds overstocked. Remember only one small fish per 10 gallons. Also remember to go slow, this is not a race and nothing good happens fast in this hobby.

Also, one maroon might live happily in a 29 but not two. They get huge and are likely to kill eachother in such a small space because they are so aggressive. It is also going to be very hard to get enough light in there for the nem.

Also, i would only go with one dragonette. Unless you know you have a male/female pair they will fight.
Thanks for the compliments I worked very hard and it means alot. The best part is the rocks are kinda modular. If there is a problem I can remove 1 whole stack, without disturbing anything else.