Very cloudy water


Reefing newb

I've just finished putting my water into the tank. I'm using dead sand which i washed before hand however when putting the water in the tank it stirred around abit. My salinity is 1.022

I've attached a picture. So my question is : Will it go clear and should i have my powerheads on or off?

Many thanks


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I'd turn the powerheads off and let the tank sit for a while. It might take a day or two, but it will clear up!
Thanks for the info.

I've used tap water with a water treatment , I didnt even think if it was coral safe.. Would it be okay?

I'm pretty new at this too, but you will find that most everyone recommends RODI water. I started out using tap water, but found out after I started testing that my tap water was really high in nitrates. You should check nitrate, phosphate and TDS in your tap water and if they are all pretty low you might get away with using it, but its not recommended. I did a lot of water changes with RODI water before I added corals.
I'm new too but have do a TON of research on water. Tap water is not good. Even the best Tap water still has 40 ppm or so TDS. This will cause problems with every aspect of your tank down the road. Don't panic at this point though. Since you are just starting you will be okay.

As stated, let the water be still and it will settle out in a day or so. Continue your cycle with the water you have. Once it finishes the cycle, do a 25% water change with good water. You can pick up RO water at most grocery stores. Most LFSs sell DI water too. I strongly suggest you invest in a RODI unit in the near future. It will save you a bunch of headaches, and money, in the long run. (Just don't forget to turn the unit off or install an automatic shut off! Ask me how I know about this!)

As you do weekly or bi-weekly water changes in the future, you will eventually get rid of anything that you MIGHT have gotten in the tank from using tap water. Your on what seems like a long road, but remember, each day that road gets shorter, and shorter. Enjoy the wait! Its well worth it.

One more thing.... WELCOME!
Definitely invest in RODI water. You will only have troubles using tap water. For example, where I live, my tap water reads about 700 ppm of TDS (Basically junk in the water). After I filter it through RODI it reads 0 ppm.
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