What kind of water?


Reefing newb
Well I was at Wally World today and checked out the different types of water they had and how it was processed. Most of it said it was processed by reverse osmosis OR distillation. Distilled water was just distilled, I believe the drinking water was labeled as being RO or distilled. My question is, is this good enough to put in my tank when time comes to top off or change water? Although it's in my future plans to get one of the systems that convert the water, it just isn't possible right at this moment so I will be buying gallons until then. Fortunately, they are only .83 a gallon ;)

Would it be beneficial to me to maybe get one of those filters that you put on your kitchen sink? Would that be good enough?
Only dispenser I saw there was a Culligan machine. I did read on it that it did do the RO but I may be confused. I saw prices but now that I think of it, it may have been for the actual container. I saw prices like $12 for a 5-gallon. At the same time I saw a little price sign that said .37 but it didn't say anywhere that that was the price. If it is, that would be great and I'd go for that. Would that be suitable water in the mean time?
That would be perfect. You should buy a 5 gallon jug instead of carrying around all those 1 gallon containers. But I use the exact same water here and it is like .35 a galoon.. go for it that would work just fine.:Cheers:
What do you do, buy the jug, fill it then just take it with you every time you need to get more?
Yup, I just put it in a cart and push it right up to the water machine. I actually have 2 5 gallon jusgs so I dont have to go as often. But get a walmart sticker so they dont think you stole it when you are walking around witht he jug.
Will do and thanks. I'm just a week into cycling but I can see the water level dropping and eventually, probably before it cycles, I will have to top it off. I didn't fill it to the very top when I initially filled it because I was still experimenting with the salinity and how much salt to put in or if I had to take some water out. Now that I got it at the right mark, I will just be adding to however much I have to top off with. Thanks for the help. It'll be nice to be able to get a RO/DI system and not have to do this.