
Reefing newb
So that live rock i had with curly cues i removed due to it having the crappy type of anemones also (saw them the next morning)... so i went to the better lfs in my area and purchased 2 had this centipede type thing just come out about 10 minutes ago...this is only a piece by it appears to be almost 2 inches said maybe a bristle worm...any ideas?


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they look pink in the day time , they are safe but you dont want the population to get out of hand. reef safe Wrasse will get the babies that you can not see. their for older ones die off and get eaten some time as while
Bristle worm, google it lots of info. I have 3 or 4 larger ones in my tank and couple in my sump. Good at clean up and only tend to come out at night. I get them out when they are too large as I worry about my little dragonets getting eaten. Some people think they are good some don't like them but they don't do any harm.
It's a bristle worm. They're safe and excellent (free) members of your clean up crew. Just don't touch them with your bare hands. Some people get irritated by the bristles.
6 line wrasse are good for keeping there numbers down if you get to many but they are good for cleaning sand and nooks and crannies in the rocks
a month at best....cycle finished about 2 weeks ago...added a damsel and yesterday 2 clowns...but weekly i add 1 new live rock...this week got a peppermint with the rock...water levels are good and have done 1 water change so snails and crabs too...everything seems peachy....then i see the worm in the new rock and got anxious....
at night or even in the day time. if nothing is covering the bottom of the tank. your going to see little lines and those are the worms, every tank has them