Recent content by jamespias

  1. jamespias

    36 Gal Bowfront

    Went to the LFS today and picked up some new additions for my tank! SUPER STOKED. I'm trying to figure out how to take better pictures for you guys, but it's tough with the bowfront... in any case: She is black with an orange face, and white stripes (the orange didn't come out too well).
  2. jamespias

    Photos Of My 10 Gallon Tank

    agreed. Just food for thought :)
  3. jamespias

    Photos Of My 10 Gallon Tank

    I can't say I have experience with the pre made water, but you can buy a bag of salt that will make around 50-60 gallons of water at correct salinity for around $ $2 a gallon that would run you $100-$120. Cost vs. convenience?
  4. jamespias

    Photos Of My 10 Gallon Tank

    It looks better with the new powerhead angle. Seeing the surface "rolling" is a god thing for gas exchange and to keep things from settling on the surface. I agree with emmett that your nitrates are too high. Unfortunately, this takes time and routine maintenance. If you are at 30ppm, and do...
  5. jamespias

    Photos Of My 10 Gallon Tank

    +1 chichi
  6. jamespias

    Algae scrubber vs Skimmer

    They seem to be most effective when larger. Most people do not have the room required to dedicate to a good, truly efficient algae scrubber.
  7. jamespias

    Photos Of My 10 Gallon Tank

    It might be nice to point your powerhead towards the water surface more to get some surface agitation.
  8. jamespias

    coralline algee?

    Kinda hard to be sure form the photo, but I would say "yes," it is.
  9. jamespias

    36 Gal Bowfront

    So, more baby steps int he right direction...picked up a Cyphastrea Meteor Shower from Neptune's a week ago. My picture quality sucks (sorry), but it'll give you an idea: Also, I see my first coraline on my back glass! I'm super stoked. I've seen it creeping up on more LR realistate, and I...
  10. jamespias

    can't seem to make corals happy

    I would encourage you to put the torch in a LOW flow zone, and give it TIME. I grow orchids, and I will tell you that orchids and corals are a lot alike in that they seem to take a week or two to show you what your husbandry changes have done to them. The effects of what you do to them today...
  11. jamespias

    Saltwater Build Updated

    LEDs can be difficult to understand, but I would say that if the LEDs themselves are not 3watts each, then they probably aren't worth your time. Lower watt LEDs won't support your future SPS habit :)
  12. jamespias

    can't seem to make corals happy

    All things considered in this hobby powerheads are relatively cheap....maybe someone in your area has one on craigslist or something where you can get a cheaper, smaller one to try it out...if nothing else you can use it for emergency back up down the line, and for mixing saltwater for water...
  13. jamespias

    can't seem to make corals happy

    Stray voltage could be culprit. Also, maybe flow? It looks like perhaps your torch is getting blasted? Hard to tell in a still shot, but none of the corals you posted like a lot of flow (especially direct). Maybe try repositioning your powerheads and give it a day or two.
  14. jamespias

    Hello All

    I play things cautiously with this hobby. I didn't put any fish in for two months, and no corals for three and a half. Even then, I am adding them one at time (also partly for budgetary reasons), and with a few weeks in between. Hopefully your LFS is a locally owned shop, so if you paid...
  15. jamespias

    Hello All

    Nice man! I like the "open" set up. Plenty of room and possibilities. Your tag says you've been in the hobby for 1 week....did you cycle your tank yet before putting in your fish?