Recent content by Reefydude360

  1. R

    Giving it a second try

    I’ve had alot of freshwater fish in the past and had my first salt water aquarium about a few years ago. I really had the system going until I did a few rookie mistakes and my tank crashed for the first time. As a highschooler I didnt have much money to start over easily so I gave up. Few years...
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    +1 biff. and by the way diatoms r normal in new tanks they go away if ur using pure water
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    :shock:Test strips are a horrible way to test water they r really inacurate try to buy liquid test kits and until then I would do a large water change like 3 gallons also make sure ur using pure water tap causes algae and some chemical could harm fish srry for what ur going through good luck
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    Kessil A150w

    Im already getting the itch to upgrade lighting maybe a few months down the road but will do the question is what would I be able to have under this light in my 20g high:question:
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    What is my hitchiker

    It is a stomatella snail I have a few too they are beneficial hitchhikers:D
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    Meet Henry, my new mantis shrimp!

    man that thing looks awsome
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    Baby snails.

    dnt u mean vertabrates:question:
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    Baby snails.

    DID YOU DOSE YOUR TANK WITH COPPER!!!!?????:frustrat: The thing with copper is that its deadly to invertabrates so if you dosed your tank with copper you cannot keep shrimps,crabs,corals,snails,hermit crabs,anemones,and anything in the invertabrate categorie and if you reuse the tank,rocks,or...
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    Baby snails.

    U dont hav to treat ur rock just get some aptasia x and squirt it on those :pooh: heads!!! And u have 2 fish over ur max watch those nitrates!!!
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    Sand shifting starfish climbing tank glass

    If ur talking about bugs on glass those are pods
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    Baby snails.

    Sorry to crush your hopes but kill those tiny snails they are pyramid snails they arent babies they are parasites that are slowly sucking the life out of that turbo snail
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    What in the world?

    My thoughts r spinoid worm not spagetti those have skinny yellow tentacles maybe some one else may verify:question:
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    reefy's thread!!! (20g reef)

    quick question could my war coral be stinging my polyps as they are only half open all my other corals r doing great especially the war coral which is in the same place not really anything else would be bothering them as the tank has no fish.well there is one thing I havent caught that crab is...
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    protein skimmer or refugium?

    hey is the reef octopus Bh 100 hang on back a good skimmer???
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    Supplemental Feeding

    For the nem I think 2-3x a week should be good for the FD they really dnt need it but u could supplement it some phyto when u feed the nem.