Recent content by Repth

  1. R

    Is this a type of snail?

    Ok, there's a new... thing... I think it's a clam of some sort. I shined my purple laser pointer at it to see if it would respond and it closed and turned away from me a little. I just checked on it and it was open so I snapped a picture. It's the brown triangle in the center of the image with...
  2. R

    Is this a type of snail?

    Honestly, no it doesn't even look like it has a shell. Whatever it is, It's too small to get a decent picture of right now. I'll post a new one when I see it bigger.
  3. R

    Is this a type of snail?

    Oddly enough, that's what some sites online have said. I guess we just panicked because it's a new system and we took a gamble with this last piece of well established coral we got. We hear a lot of stories about horrible hitchikers that ruin tanks and we certainly don't want any of that...
  4. R

    Is this a type of snail?

    Thanks, though it didn't really look like anything offered. It doesn't have a shell quite as defined as that, it doesn't look like it has a shell at all, but it could be just because it looks young, whatever it is. On a sidenote, we just found a bristle worm hiding among some zoa's we got...
  5. R

    Is this a type of snail?

    I couldn't find this on Google search so I came here. The picture isn't the best, but it gives you a rough idea. It's got black and white stripes and it LOOKS like a snail but I can't tell if it's even a shell. I don't think it's a stomatella snail since we just found one of those and it looks...