5 gallon corner eclipse

I would strongly consider a clown goby, nothing larger. they are really fun fish to watch perching on different things. Tank is looking good so far. glad you had luck with the peppermints and aptasia. I always had great success with them aswell
I have considered a goby as I love watching my buddies' and his personality. But I really like the black and white clown fish. Would I be overdoing it if I put in one of each? Or could I get one clown fish now and wait for a while and then consider adding a goby? Either way do I NEED to get rid of two of the shrimp?

You know I love you guys...thanks for everything.
I would recommend getting the clown, I just set up my 20g a couple weeks ago and the only fish I have in their right now is a little ocellaris clown but he's fun to watch! I think the black and white ones are really cool too
Just remember once you do add a fish keep an eye on your parameters. A small tank can go south real quick.
OK, after adding the nano sized clown last night and watching him for at least two hours I shut off the lights and turned in. Got up this morning, turned on the light and see the clown on the bottom of the tank looking very slow. He made his way to the other side of the tank behind a rock on a ledge and just sat there. I checked the pH; it was 7.8. I added a small amount of booster, let it cycle in and then turned off the powerhead but kept the eclipse filter on. He seemed to liven up before I left for work but I am concerned. Did I do something wrong? Should I look at getting LEDs for night time? Was he just sleeping? Any advise would be greatly appreciated. :neutral:


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Think about how you feel when somebody wakes you from a good sleep.Your kind slow for a few minutes right?Well,fish are the same way.
Also,Your PH is going to be some what lower when you first turn the lights on.It;ll be it highest right when you turn the lights off for the night.