My Daughter's 46g


Reefing newb
Here are the pics of the initial setup on 4/15/10:


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Can't wait for Sunday... Hopefully the tank will be ready for a "test" fish or two :question: We are naming the first one into the tank "Lucky":rolleyes:
YOu need to wait for the "Dory" fish. Thets a Hippo Blue Tang, I have one, no easy fish and needs good clean established water. They also tend to be very skittish fish and stress out easy. They also carry ich and can wipe out your tank with it. They should be QT for a while and then introduced into your tank. YOu can, however, get clown fish, false, they are hardy and a good starter fish. tell your daughter you can get a Dory fish in a few weeks just to make sure you dont want to get it and have it die on you, thats worse. Note, I only paid $30 for my hippo tang, and now I've had him about 4 months, he's my love....
Actually, $120 is a bit LFS sells them for $40-60, depending on the size :)

+1 SeaBee -- clownfish are super hardy and easy. You do not need any anemones, so don't worry. They'll host anything. Mine is hosting my powerhead ;) You can get 2 clownfish. I suggest getting 2 different sizes, or a mated pair.
A 46g and a 55g are way too small for a hippo tang. It's cruel to keep a fish like that in there.

I know you're very excited to add your first fish, but I'd really recommend letting that live rock sit in there for a few more weeks before you add one - that way, the cycle will have a chance to occur and you won't have as high of a chance of killing that first fish.

Maybe on Sunday you could buy some clean up crew animals? That way, your daughter would have some things to watch, and they'd e helping get your tank ready at a more appropriate pace as well!
IMO, it is also too small for a hippo. I believe when fully grown they're about 9". I think a couple of clownfish would look adorable in that set-up. That's one lucky little girl! Looks great! :)
Can't wait for Sunday... Hopefully the tank will be ready for a "test" fish or two :question: We are naming the first one into the tank "Lucky":rolleyes:
Are you familiar at all with filtration and the nitrogen cycle? You can not put fish in a 3 day old tank and expect them to live. Have you done any water tests?

Please, ask alot of questions if you have them and above all research before you purchase any fish or invert. Your tank is too small for Dori and trying to jam 1 in would not work. I'm sure you want your daughter to enjoy the tank, but watching fish die wouldn't be much fun. Ask questions, do research and most of all GO SLOW!
What about the concept of buying a "small" Dory and just replacing her when she grows?. (I am going to listen to the words of wisdom and NOT purchase fish until the "right" time). I will have the water tested tomorrow and maybe get a cleaning crew, if the water is at the proper level.
I think that would be more trouble than its worth.Why not get a couple occelaris clowns(nemo and marlin)and a royal gramma(can't remember its name:D)...that would be perfect for a 46,maybe even a flamehawk..
Only a lion ,yes....but not for life.Even dwarfs get 6+ inches.I hate to say it,but your tank is a tough size to stock for.It looks like its a bowfront?What is the footprint?
What i mean is you can only have a lion nothing else
Min. recommended tank size for the dwarfs are 30g so they should be ok, they are quite venomous though.