New 180g Build

Here are some horrible pics with the MH's off and the blues on....The corals jsut glow in the dark..Love the new lights...wish I had something other than my camera phone.


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Wow .... so you didn't use any of your old water ? I was going to slowly take the rock out of my 90 and put it my 220 over a period of time so I wouldn't have a cycle. Than replace what I took out with base rock. Your way sounds much better and faster. Glad I read this ..
I only used my old water to house the fish in one of the barrels while we transferred. After that it was all new water. It took me a week to make enough water.:D I only lost one fish, (scooter blenny) he buried himself in the sand, and we didn't realize it until it was too late. I tried to revive him for about 15 minutes to no avail.

I did a 30g water change the next day, and then again 2 days later, then went back to my routine. I don't know if the water changes were necessary but I did them. I had a slight nitrate spike to about 15-20ppm, the algae scrubber took care of that within a few days.
I printed out how you did it and keeping it in a safe place ... It will be awhile before we start ours. Since you had such good luck with your way of doing it, I'm going to do it that way also. When I transferred from the 46 to the 90, using my old water, and doing it slow, I lost every fish except the Yellow Watchman.

Thanks for the great info :)
Here's some very crappy video of my tank with the light off. Gonna try to do a better video tomorrow. My fish don't mind when I have my phone up to the tank for pics...but they don't like the camera at all.[ame=]YouTube - DSCF0881[/ame]
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I made a new video with the lights on...[ame=]YouTube - FishMovie[/ame]
That's a gorgeous video.

That rock arch looks really precarious, hope it's glued down or something!

That entire arch is made out of rubble rock from my sump. Behind it is a PVC frame, the rocks are all drilled and tie strapped to it. I need a few more rocks to complete it.
Well it's been awhile since I updated my build thread. I bought my wife a flip Video Camera for Thanksgiving, so I snatched it and brought it down to the tank. Flip Camera works great...photographer..not so much.

I also went to all of my standard LFS yesterday and shopped. Ended up adding a big piece of Acans...They're generally very expensive around these parts. $7.50 per polyp. I got that entire piece for $59.99, so I was happy about that. Also added that big flat piece of lace rock that I'm more or less using for a makeshift frag rack, Got the big green mushrooms on the left side of the tank, as well as the neon green mushrooms in the center.

2 dozen snails. (for free).:)

And changed the aquascaping a bit.

I think at this point, I'm giong to start concentrating on SPS corals. I like the looks of tanks like what Ccapt has. I think that'll allow me to get some full coverage on the LR, and make it look very natural.

I also added a small nano powerhead (240gph) slid it all the way to the bottom of the tank, and have it blowing through some of the rockwork. Don't now if it'll do any good, but it can't hurt to keep the water flowing at the bottom of the tank some more.

Video in a bit...taking awhile to download.
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How many long is your vid? ...i'm able to upload 3 minute vids in about 15 minutes...
So ,what kind of cam did you get...i assume its HD...
It's only 3 minutes long.

Yeah, it's the HD camera..It's pretty neat...It records in 720p. I can't believe it's taking this long to upload it. Very easy to use, for simpletons like me.

When I recorded something on my phone it only took a couple of minutes to upload, no big deal...

The file is only 244Mb.
It's only 3 minutes long.

Yeah, it's the HD camera..It's pretty neat...It records in 720p. I can't believe it's taking this long to upload it. Very easy to use, for simpletons like me.

When I recorded something on my phone it only took a couple of minutes to upload, no big deal...

The file is only 244Mb.

Don't you install high end ,high tech,audio and video ?:mrgreen:
If you have cable internet and a lot of people are on ,it can slow down bandwidth dramatically