28 Gallon Nano Cube


Reefing newb
I decided to buy it. $350 for the tank, stand, 2x nano powerheads, tunze skimmer, live rock, maroon clown, coral beauty angel, and royal gramma seemed too good to pass up.

The tunze skimmer unfortunately makes it impossible to do a diy fuge though since it takes up so much room. I might get a H.O.B, but i dont like how they look.

Water levels are all good and I have added an Anemone, Candy cane, and some zoanthids. Currently 18 crabs (2 red leg, the rest blue), 1 snail, and a peppermint shrimp. Going to add a few more crabs and snails sometime this week.

I dont have the best pics right now, but these will hopefully give you an idea. I do need to replace the moonlight LED's, as 2 of them are nearly dead. I will likely replace the QF at the same time. Will eventually retrofit it with all LED's from nanoturners.

Hope you all like it. Coral suggestions and placement are much appreciated. Thanks for all your help everyone.


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Isnt it just the equivalent of a large water change? I kept about 60% of the original water. All rocks stayed in water the entire move.
An anemone in any new tank is risky. Normally I wouldn't recommend that they be added sooner than 6 months to a year. I doubt you will see a cycle doing it the way you did, but anemones are just really really tough to keep.
It's okay -- clowns don't need anemones. Many clowns are perfectly happy hosting something else in the tank, such as a rock, a coral, a tuft of algae, a heater or a powerhead. When you add an anemone, there's no guarantee that a clown will even take to it. They are weird fish! Just keep an eye on the anemone -- if it is moving around it's not happy. If it changes colors (turns lighter/white) it's not happy. A wide, gaping mouth, or free floating anemone is bad.
Just an update on this tank. A chalice has been added, 2 ricordea's and a hammer.
The rics arent doing that great, but I am battling with them to bring them back.

A few days ago I saw a LED hood for the nano cube listed for $150 on a local site, I offered $125 and got it. Pretty happy with this purchase since it is the pro series and not the intermediate one, so I should be able to keep most corals with it. And wow do things look good in the tank.

I picked up some new salt called royal nature that I am going to mix with my instant ocean salt during water changes for a bit, and eventually make the complete switch to just the royal nature.
Sounds like a pretty good deal!

I got 2 anemones free when I ordered my live rock my tank was 3 months old I was terrified because everyone says not to but they are doing great.

Glad to hear its all doing well it looks great I like the maroon clowns they are different.
Added today : Pulsing Xenia, Acro, and a small Zoa colony (Unfortunately the same color that I already have, they looked different at the lfs)