Alittle update


Reefing newb
Hello ,

My tanks been running now for a while now and everything is looking good. My parameters are spot on. Did a check last night.Added some nice dead rock but planning of aquascaping alittle better soon.

Amm - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 0.5 ish

I currently have:

2 Clown Fish
1 Yellow tang
Feather duster
Red blooded shrimp
Many snails , hermits
bubble tip anemone , forgot the name of the other coral i have.

My diatom bloom cleared about 2 weeks ago.

I shall update with better pics when im at home tonight , My bubble tip is moving around alittle on the bottom so im keeping an eye on it.



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Im not sure but the white tips on your bubble tip might be a sign of trouble. It looks a bit like its starting to bleach. What kind of lighting do you have and how long has your tank been set up?
The bubble tip is the same as it was in the LFS ( Bad ? ) . The guy in there said it would be okay in my system ( 1 1/2 months only ) , i guess he just wanted to sell me it.

I'm using 100W LED lighting , 3W per LED (Cree LED's) .

Im not super knowledge able about LEDs so that might be good enough, but I would worry about that nem. they are one of the more challenging animals to keep and I wouldnt put one in a young tank. They need stable water conditions which arent normally found until the tank is around a year old. Personally, I would return it and do more research on nems and when you know more about how to keep them and what a healthy one should look like, then get one.

It might be totally healthy, but ive never seen a bubble tip like that and generally white and wandering arent good signs for a nems.
Been talking to some other people and the same on it is : Heliofungia

From the google images it looks in normal colours however the guys did say alittle bleaching.
Doesn't that seem a little on the low side? Shouldn't it be more in the 150 wattish range?

Not neccesarily, I have 225 watts of LED's over my 180, and I can only run them at about 70% before I start melting corals. The OP says the fixture is running 3W crees and with optics those should be fine. The real question is coverage. Without knowing the dimensions of the tank, or the LED fixture (or how high above the tank it is) its hard to say. But in theory, there should be plenty of light, at least in part of the tank if one unit cant cover the whole thing