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    Evergrow 165w full spectrum?

    I was wondering opinions about putting an evergrow 165w full spectrum led on my newly cycled 29g reef tank to be. I already have a cheap marineland 50w led but would like to upgrade to a higher quality reef light.
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    Will a 55g reef tank survive if moved?

    No just rock, sand, and 6" of water. The prior inhabitants were moved to an existing reef tank and are doing fine.
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    Will a 55g reef tank survive if moved?

    Would a mini cycle involve a bad smell?
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    Will a 55g reef tank survive if moved?

    My brother just bought a 55g reef tank that has been running for 9yrs and moved it about 5 miles and did a 80% water change. His question is will there be any bad side affects?
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    New to marine

    It is a 29 gallon with 20lbs dry rock and 16lbs of live sand with a korilia hydor evo 850 powerhead.
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    New to marine

    Well i have a 100 watt double bright Marineland 36" led that my friend used to grow mushrooms in a 10 gallon tank. I would like to spend around $150 and have mushrooms and other easy to care for corals.
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    New to marine

    How many watts per gallon will i need to have corals?
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    Is my rock alive?

    Ok thanks for the info
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    New to marine

    Bought from store
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    Ideas tips suggestions for 29g

    Thanks for the input what test supplies will i need to monitor water quality?
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    New to marine

    Hello everyone getting ready to fill tank with sea water and live substrate what testers will i need to monitor water quality?
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    New to marine

    Ok thanks
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    Is my rock alive?

    My friend has quit keeping fish and coral, when he got rid of everything he put his live rock into buckets of freshwater. My question is (Is this rock dead or alive and what should i do with it ?
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    New to marine

    Hello i am new to salt and would like to set up a simple 29 gallon with my goal being to have a shrimp/ goby pair or several pair and a small colorful/ active fish. Any tips or suggestions are welcome.
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    Ideas tips suggestions for 29g

    I have a empty 29 gallon with 55g power filter, an air stone and pump, two glass heaters, and a marineland led light. I also have access to live rock that has been out of an active system for about 6 months, it was stored in buckets of freshwater (good or bad?). Any tips or suggestions are...
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    New to marine

    Hi everyone I am new to marine tanks and would be open to any tips or ideas.