Search results

  1. T

    Needed Equipment

    I am starting with a 55 gallon because it's what I have. My first time out I didn't want to buy a new tank. I'm sure once I really get it going and see how much I like, I will end up with a bigger tank. :mrgreen: Thanks for the info, guys. It helps a lot. Some of the stuff I am ready is a...
  2. T

    Needed Equipment

    I am new to saltwater and I am in the research stage. In a few months I would like to set up my 55 gal as a reef tank. What kind of equipment do I need. I am doing research (books, internet,etc) but thought I would ask you guys what equipment you recommend. Also what kinds of fish do well in...
  3. T

    Introducing myself

    Thanks for the welcome. I am sure I will have lots of questions. I don't plan to set up my tank for another few months, as I am going to be moving 400 miles away. But when I do, I will definately post pictures. ;) Tanya
  4. T

    Introducing myself

    Hi everyone, I am new to saltwater, but not new to freshwater. I am excited to find this forum. I'm in the planning stages for my 55 gallon and this seems like a great place for information. I have enjoyed aquariums for that last 15 years and have wanted a saltwater tank for just about...