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  1. J

    CT Frag Farmer's Market 3-5-16

    The E.O. Smith High School Coral project is proud to announce that it will be hosting the 9th annual New England Frag Farmer's Market at E.O. Smith High School in Storrs CT. It has grown into the biggest swap in the Northeast, bringing in 50+ coral "farmers" from all over the US. I have pretty...
  2. J

    New England Frag Farmer's Market (3-7-15, Storrs CT) Info/Invite

    Here we go again, the "biggest coral show in the Northeast." I used to jokingly include this, but it has become true over the last few years. I have quite a list of sellers already signed up and some room for new people as well. Pretty much all the major players will be there again this year...
  3. J

    CT Frag Farmer's Market Info/Invite (3-8-14)

    Jon Swanson here from the E.O. Smith High School Coral Project here. Hopefully this is the best place to put this thread, if not I apologize and could a mod move it for me? I wanted to reach out to the Living Reefs community to extend an invite to you all to come out to the 7th annual Frag...