10 G tank


Reefing newb
Hi, I currently have a 29 G tank set up for SW and just added my first coral frag yesterday. Well, I have a 10 G just sitting empty, and I was wondering if I could do anything with it? Is it too small to set up as a SW, would I need a protein skimmer? I was thinking maybe just LR and inverts? Anyone have suggestions or ideas. It seems a pity to just have the tank sit empty.
Why don't you turn it into a refuge, it will increase the water volume of your system and you can grow biff's magic cheato in there to keep your nitrates (or nitrites down, i get them confused) which would allow you to grow pods. Plus you can put your equipment in there.
You can turn that 10 gallon into a nice tank. You don't need a filter or anything. I had a 10 gallon tank, all it had was a heater and powerhead for water movement. I did a 30 to 50% water change weekly to take care of any nutrient build-up. As long as you keep up with water changes, small tanks don't need filters or skimmers.
You could do 2 or 3 things, you could certainly make it into a small nano tank with some LR, inverts, and possibly a fish (you wouldn't need a protein skimmer but, you'd have to supplement with PWCs)
You could also make it into a small frag tank to grow coral frags in.
or you could do like Little_fish said and make it into a fuge adding water volume and a live food source to your DT