29 Reef Lighting


Reefing newb
Hey there everyone I've been browsing around various websites looking for the ideal fixture for my 29 gallon soon-to-be-reef. I've thought about LED's but they are pricey as well as MH. MH are out as I'm only looking to keep softies and maybe a few LPS (Also, want to save as much as I can on electricity). I'm thinking T5HO is my best bet. I really wanted LED's, if anyone knows a place for a fair price along with good quality please let me know. My budget is around $225-$250 or less if possible. I was thinking a 4 bulb T5HO would be sufficient. What do you guys think? I would appreciate any help.

Drs foster and smith has a reef led setup with timer for about 180$... only thing is its made by marine land and I can't say there reputable because I've never purchased anything from them but a pump....IMO I think it looks good and its 3w led bulbs which is key