4 Chromis = 1 "other"


Reefing newb
Hi -

I was at the local shop yesterday and I was explaining my fish list for my 29 gallon tank. Right now I have 2 clowns. There's only room for 3-4 more (is what I'm thinking).

So I mentioned a few of the fish I was considering - various gobi's, blennys, maybe a 6 line...

As we looked at the stock, we came to a tank full of Chromis and I mentioned how cool it was to see the fish schooling and that I'd love to have some.

Kind of off-handed, the guy said, "You can get 2-3 of your list fish and still get 4 chromis - having 4 of them is like having one of the others...they don't grow too big...2 clowns, 3 others and 4 chromis would be just fine."

So - what do you all think? Good advice? Bad advice? Somewhere in the middle?
bad advice..
you only want 3 to 4 fish total in a 29.. with the two clowns a couple chromis should do just fine but stop after that.. the chromis are fun to watch they are constantly on the move..
JMHO But I'd probably skip Chromis in a 29.Mainly because there's not enough room to get the effect of them schooling.
+1 marcah

I also have a 29 gallon tank. It usually does best with no more than 3 fish. Any more, and you will have trouble keeping water quality. Remember, the fish store is there to make money.

I once was told that the only way you could possibly keep corals was if you ran a UV light. Which is obviously wrong.