55 gal filtration


Reefing newb
Does anyone have suggestions on what I should use for filtration for my 55 gallon tank? I have about 70 lbs of sand and about 75 lbs of LR... I have a skimmer but the last time I had it set up the nitrates were around 20 or 40 I would like to get that down... If anyone has links to where I can buy this stuff that would be awesome because my local store is not very good for having stuff on hand.
I had this tank set up awhile ago then I moved so now I am basically starting over... the guy at the store talked me into a hang on the back filter and I don't think that was my best option. I would like to keep this on somewhat of a budget. Any help would be great!
I have a 125 and had nitrate problem myself and I controlled it (after water changes) with a canister filter that has media basket for different filtration and it come with a UV light built in. Some say NO NO on canister but it worked for me until I set up sump correctly and using live plants now and very happy.

I tried soooo many "natural" nitrate reducer chems not a one made a difference, I used Seachem De-nitrate and phosguard in filter with bio balls

Oh forgot link something like this http://www.ebay.com/itm/NEW-75-Gall...027?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item20cd9dbbfb
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