55g setup


Marine Enthusiast
Well I just got a great deal on a 55gallon tank but the stand is too narrow for most sumps. I've never had a sump setup but I'm thinking about two overflows going to two 10 gallon tanks (one for a fuge, one for a skimmer) and have two returns down in my display on opposite sides for flow. What are your thoughts and advice?
My 10 gallon


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I don't think that's a viable option -- if one return pump dies or gets clogged in one sump, and you have a second one running in the other sump, you will overflow the first sump. I think it's just asking for a flood.

Since tanks won't fit under your stand, you could go to the hardware store and see if you can find any rubbermade tubs or bins that will fit that you could use.
Very good point! :frustrat: Always good to have other points of view. Guess I'm gonna have to take a step back and think about it. Once again, thanks
I had a similar problem. I have a 55g freshwater that came with a stand, I got a second 55g to set up as a saltwater but it was just the tank with no stand. The stand for the freshwater is not being used but feels way to flimsy and rocks with an empty tank sitting on it. I bought a 29g for a sump/fuge combo but there is not enough room in the stand for that size tank.

You have a couple options:

A)buy a bigger stand
B) build a bigger stand (the option I am doing)
C) buy a custom sump to fit your stand.
D) make your own out of acrylic

I was also having some issues with using a canister pump along with a sump, but much like you biff showed me how my setup had flaws that could lead to gallons ending up on my floor......bad juju there!

One thing you could do if you wanted to stick with 2- 10 gallon tanks, is have one overflow into the first, then flow into the second, then a return pump up to the display tank. You would have to set it up to make sure if your pump fails that the overflows stop flowing, there are a few videos on you tube where people have a number of sump and refuge tanks all set up with only one return pump.
Thanks for all of your advice. I did contemplate connecting the two tens, but with drilling holes I'm worried about more potential for leaks. I believe making my own out of acrylic is the way to go.
Thanks for all of your advice. I did contemplate connecting the two tens, but with drilling holes I'm worried about more potential for leaks. I believe making my own out of acrylic is the way to go.

You could do it without drilling if you can position one 10 gallon up higher than the other, overflow into the second and then return pump back to the main.
Thanks again. Since I don't want as much flow through my refugeum I could put a "T" in my drop line from my display and have it (the fuge) be the higher tank. I could regulate flow with a valve on that side. What do you think?
Thanks again. Since I don't want as much flow through my refugeum I could put a "T" in my drop line from my display and have it (the fuge) be the higher tank. I could regulate flow with a valve on that side. What do you think?

You could split, I would put a valve on both lines going to your sump and refuge so that you can control how much flow is going into each, that way you can make sure each one isnt filling up to fast for the whole system, then put the return pump in your sump.
It's been awhile but I think I've decided to go with a two tank sump. One for the skimmer and return pump then on it's way back to the DT I'll put a "T" and regulate flow into my refuge with a valve and have that tank overflow back to my lower tank. My question now is where can I put my heater because it won't fit in with the skimmer and return (because of the baffles). Is it feasible to have a heater in the refuge?
Its not really going to be feasible to put the heater in the refug. since the refug will only be getting a small amount of water flowing through it, the majority of your water in the sump and DT will not go through the area with the heater. I think you'll have a hard time keeping your tank temp up that way.