60G Mandarin Main Tank

Sorry to hear about your mandarin. they are tough little creatures to keep unless you have a lot of pods. I would love to get one but I don't want him to starve. I agree with everyone with sending back a few fish and getting a skimmer and more rock. If your dad won't let you bring the fish back then just get a lot more rock for better biological filtration and a skimmer. I'm not saying that will fix things like algae but it will help. And the more rock you have the more space pods have to live and grow and reproduce so maybe down the road you can get a new mandarin. As for the fish....have you tried to explain to your dad that even though your fish are surviving in your tank it doesn't mean they are happy or as healthy as they could be. I would say something like hey dad how would you like to be stuck in a closet with five other people. Kinda mean but maybe that would make him understand? Idk lol parents can be very difficult and they pull the thing where you have to do what they want bc they are the adult. Sometimes adults arent that smart lol just thought I'd give my two cents. :) hope something helped.
More pics nothing new but have some questions to ask

Algae building up on my pump

Last and Only one hermit lol

More algae


Baby feather duster (if u can see it .... It at the top)

Can some one tell me what is the name of this fish? It huge o.o

There is not a chance on this side of the sun that tank is big enough for the tangs, the cyano growing on all of the rocks......

It seems to me that people sincerely are frustrated with this tank, hence the reason for few to no responses.

There is not a chance on this side of the sun that your tank is old enough for that anemone. :disappoin
Marines wife. I agree with you. It's been a while now and there has been no improvment. Some of those fish need to go. I was pretty much dissappointed when I saw the dying trigger picture and mandarin made the comment of oh well 10 more fish to go. If I remember correctly mandarin is young but give me a break, that's just cruel to your fish. Get rid of a few, get better lighting and feed less and voila your algae will be gone. Also you could beef up your clean up crew since you have one hermit..
No, but I don't think you should be so hard on him.

please. Seriously. Everyone here gives good advice, blatant disregard to keep a healthy tank and not kill fish that would have a good chance of thriving otherwise is frustrating to see. If people refuse to listen, being "nice" is no longer necessary. However, since you seem to be the ambassador for decorum, please explain in a non-a$$hole way why the cyano is bad, the algae is bad (not to mention preventable) why his stocking list is bad and why he is loosing fish. I genuinely look forward to seeing how you do it in a more socially acceptable manner.
I can do that for you extremely simple,

Mandarin, I understand that you are having issues, and are in the very early stages of being able to handle the large responsibilities of the tank you have. You dad (who I am assuming pays for this) has put you in an extremely different and difficult situation that the one the rest of us have. That being said, you do have some problems, mainly Cyano and other bacteria, overstocked and under equipped, and what seems to be a lack of knowledge. I know we have said multiple times on here and commented in your threads about what is wrong in your tank, I took one look and instantly saw several issues. However, I think it is possible that you are doing one of two things, not understanding, or just disregarding. Either of them hurts your tank. I can imagine its difficult to convince your folks on why they need to spend this money here or spend it there, but it is something that you will have to come to terms with. that being said, I would like to offer some information and hope that you understand that I am sincere and trying to give you accurate information.

1. The cyano that you see could probably be prevented and managed just by adding some more flow to your tank. I see 1 powerhead, and thats hardly enough to circulate water through the tank. Not only will your algae issues start to subside but you will notice your fish more active and healthier.

2. You do not have enough rock. Im sure you have heard this, but even at a piece every week only spending 8 bucks at an lfs on some base/dry rock you would have your tank properly stocked in a little over a month. It would be a great idea to try and get a piece at a time.

3. I dont see any corals, so your lights may be fine for now until you do upgrade or decide to get a little more advanced. But as per #1 getting the right equipment will keep you from losing fish, so I would go ahead and look for a powerhead or two, try local newspapers anything.

4. Advice is free but actions earn the reward. You can post to us all day, or start new threads, hell you can even get flamed for what some people see as retarded or ignorant, incompetent, or cruel, but the only thing that will get you to where you want to be will be actions. If you want your tank to look great you will need to make it happen by taking action.

With the best wishes and best regards

P.S. I didn't mention your stock because I know the story behind it already.

P.S.S. I'll take some of the heat off of you by redirecting people to my 29G Build, where to the amazement off all, you will see me housing a yellow tang, a tomato clown, a wrasse, a chromis and last but not least my mandarin.

P.S.S.S Someone fire the grill up I see the flames coming.
I can do that for you extremely simple,

Mandarin, I understand that you are having issues, and are in the very early stages of being able to handle the large responsibilities of the tank you have. You dad (who I am assuming pays for this) has put you in an extremely different and difficult situation that the one the rest of us have. That being said, you do have some problems, mainly Cyano and other bacteria, overstocked and under equipped, and what seems to be a lack of knowledge. I know we have said multiple times on here and commented in your threads about what is wrong in your tank, I took one look and instantly saw several issues. However, I think it is possible that you are doing one of two things, not understanding, or just disregarding. Either of them hurts your tank. I can imagine its difficult to convince your folks on why they need to spend this money here or spend it there, but it is something that you will have to come to terms with. that being said, I would like to offer some information and hope that you understand that I am sincere and trying to give you accurate information.

1. The cyano that you see could probably be prevented and managed just by adding some more flow to your tank. I see 1 powerhead, and thats hardly enough to circulate water through the tank. Not only will your algae issues start to subside but you will notice your fish more active and healthier.

2. You do not have enough rock. Im sure you have heard this, but even at a piece every week only spending 8 bucks at an lfs on some base/dry rock you would have your tank properly stocked in a little over a month. It would be a great idea to try and get a piece at a time.

3. I dont see any corals, so your lights may be fine for now until you do upgrade or decide to get a little more advanced. But as per #1 getting the right equipment will keep you from losing fish, so I would go ahead and look for a powerhead or two, try local newspapers anything.

4. Advice is free but actions earn the reward. You can post to us all day, or start new threads, hell you can even get flamed for what some people see as retarded or ignorant, incompetent, or cruel, but the only thing that will get you to where you want to be will be actions. If you want your tank to look great you will need to make it happen by taking action.

With the best wishes and best regards

P.S. I didn't mention your stock because I know the story behind it already.

P.S.S. I'll take some of the heat off of you by redirecting people to my 29G Build, where to the amazement off all, you will see me housing a yellow tang, a tomato clown, a wrasse, a chromis and last but not least my mandarin.

P.S.S.S Someone fire the grill up I see the flames coming.

Now that's how to help in a complicated situation...
AMG CATHIC HAS A TANG IN A 30 GAL PANIC@@@@ :frustrat::frustrat::frustrat::frustrat::frustrat::frustrat::frustrat::frustrat::frustrat: