65g RR.




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Condy already? Keep a close eye on it, it has the potential to cause bad things man, bad things. ;)

Things are looking good so far, I love euphylia corals!
Condy already? Keep a close eye on it, it has the potential to cause bad things man, bad things. ;)

Things are looking good so far, I love euphylia corals!

I add coral in there for the first week, they said it have to be cycle for at least 2month. I never listen but coral seem to be very healthy, I just add 4 rose anemone actually 6 because they split and two GBTA. I get picture up later
Sorry to say, but I don't think those anemones will survive. Not in a 2 week old tank. What kind of lights do you have? They require stronger lighting than most corals, and are some of the most difficult animals to keep.
Sorry to say, but I don't think those anemones will survive. Not in a 2 week old tank. What kind of lights do you have? They require stronger lighting than most corals, and are some of the most difficult animals to keep.

I have MH
actually I have once been in my tank for a week and now it about to split so that a good sign they happy. I just want to prove my friend wrong about not able to add coral in after a week cycle, it a bet for the big amount. Just as long the coral/anemone stay healthy for 5 month I be ok.:bounce:so wish me luck :bounce:
Your anenomes splitting is not a sign of happiness. Its a survival technique. The chances of two anenomes surviving is better than one.

Im going to go against my own "Be Nice" thread and tell you that your little bet is probably the dumbest thing Ive heard of in a while. Gambling with another living creatures life is low, invertabrate or not. Its a low-brow way to go about this hobby.
Your anenomes splitting is not a sign of happiness. Its a survival technique. The chances of two anenomes surviving is better than one.

Im going to go against my own "Be Nice" thread and tell you that your little bet is probably the dumbest thing Ive heard of in a while. Gambling with another living creatures life is low, invertabrate or not. Its a low-brow way to go about this hobby.

I understand so the bet is off and all the coral will be given away to LFS or if someone interested in picking it up this week LMK. :frustrat:
OK lets think about this for a few minutes. Your corals are in the tank, they are far less toxic than the anenomes...start by unloading those Nems. I understand wanting an anenome tank, they are bad ass. You have everything you need to keep them at the moment but a mature tank. Keep your corals lose the anenomes. If you still want the same plan, in a YEAR and you are keeping a stable tank by all means try it again they are just a creature that you have to keep only when your system is ready.

Thank you for calling off the bet, that is important for the rest of us here.
Have you tested your tanks parameters for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate yet? Im sure Im being a pain but those are very important questions to ask. If you still have any ammonia or nitrite in your system...you know what you need to do.
Your anenomes splitting is not a sign of happiness. Its a survival technique. The chances of two anenomes surviving is better than one.

Im going to go against my own "Be Nice" thread and tell you that your little bet is probably the dumbest thing Ive heard of in a while. Gambling with another living creatures life is low, invertabrate or not. Its a low-brow way to go about this hobby.

Yep, anemones commonly split in response to stress or unfavorable conditions -- for exactly the reason why RyanG said. In fact, many anemone "breeders" will do stuff to their tanks to stress (or endanger) the anemones on purpose, so that they will split, and then they can make more money off of selling the extra anemones. If something goes bad, the anemone will split, because their clone is genetically identical to them, and splitting doubles their chances of surviving whatever bad things are happening to them.
Have you tested your tanks parameters for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate yet? Im sure Im being a pain but those are very important questions to ask. If you still have any ammonia or nitrite in your system...you know what you need to do.

I tested everything and it all in perfect condition I guess because I put soo much money into it and some stuff don't even need I have it. I have one friend work at the fish shop for so long he help me out with my system, but yeah I have some local guy come and pick up all those coral and anemone and some left I just give it to LFS. Thank everyone not going to update my tank any sooner maybe 2 month for cycle I be back with crazy stuff next time:sfish: