96hrs cycling - First readings and pics


Reefing newb
My new 46G bow has been running for approx. 96hrs now. I ran the lights for the first 24hrs straight, now have them only on a few hours a day. I've noticed my live rock go from black/brown rock colour to having a lot of white on it, and some purples, copper looking colours as well. I think I may have some plant growth too, but nothing I can see crawling around.

My first water readings are as follows:
PH 8.4, Amonia/Nitrate/Nitrite 0ppm, salinity 1.024

I think this is good? Anything I should be concerned with? I need to add some water to reduce the salinity a bit, and top off the tank.

Should I use the glass cover? Obviously it will keep the fish in the tank, but I thought I heard it was bad for lighting? (Lights are 2xT5 HO 39w)


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Your SG 1.024 is just about perfect.It doesn't really need to be lower.

You don't have any corals so the glass tops doesn't really make a difference.Taking them off or leaving the front lid open will allow better gas exchange.If you don't see any ammonia in the next few days,drop a pinch of fish food.Wait a few days and test for ammonia and nitrite again.If both is still at zero then you had an instant or very quick cycle.
If I did anything to the salinity,I would bump it on up to 1.026.JMO
But it looks good.Your on your way to great looking tank.:D

Welcome! :Cheers:

Your rock formations look very interesting. Should be fun for the fish and a great opportunity for coral displays.

Keep us up to date.

Charlie :D
The LR came with the tank, but the kid also has a marine business setting up and maintaining marine aquariums for offices, and residences. He sells some fish and supplies. The LR came from him and he bought it direct from Fiji. He sells it locally for $4.50/lb which is 1/2 price of anywhere else I've been in the Toronto, ON area.
I added fish (3 damsels) and 10 hermit crabs Friday evening, my skimmer has skimmed a bit of foam yesterday, but not much.

I performed a water test and I'm still perfect. 8.4ph 0 N's & ammonia and 1.024 salinity.

What am I doing right, or wrong?
IMO you are moving too fast.

You're only about 10 days into this new tank and you added 3 fish to it already?

The tank is nowhere NEAR cycled, I guarantee you that. You just need some organics in there to kick off the cycle and stabilize your bacteria population. If you've added any fish food or seen any of those 3 fish poop yet - then you now have plenty of organic material to start the cycle.

Take the fish back and wait at least 4 more weeks. I can just about promise you that your ammonia, nitrites and nitrates are going to go up over the next couple weeks. New tanks don't cycle in 10 days. They just don't. Live rock or no live rock - it ain't gonna happen.

Go Slow. The only thing that happens fast in a reef tank is the crash.

Point noted, honestly that is/was my worry. In contrast I did buy an established system. The only difference is I added some fresh salt water, after moving the setup into my residence. There were crabs and fish living in the tank when I bought it, and they had been there for months. I'm not trying to argue I was under the impression this was "turn key" without the need for a long cycle. Obviously, that's what the seller suggested - he builds reef tanks for the elite and offices in and around Toronto, ON and comes very well recommended.

The LR was out of the water for an hour. The sand was always submerged in water.

Honestly, I wanted to take it slow... But it's hard not to get excited and ahead of yourself quickly.
I did not know this was an established tank.

In that case, it might be done cycling. If the live rocks weren't out of the water too long and the sand was wet, it could have gone through a tiny cycle and then stabilized.

How is the water now? Still cloudy? Any water changes yet?
I may have missed saying it was established in this thread, I may have in another, sorry. Water was cloudy for the first 48 hrs, if that. I've done a partial water change of 5G over the weekend, after running for a week.

It's going too good which has me a little concerned...

I wanted to leave it with just water for 6-8 weeks, until we returned from vacation. But my wife (and I) were pretty excited to get livestock.

Speaking of vacation if I pick stuff up on the beaches of Antigua while I'm away (ie. rocks, shells, corals, sand) can it be added to my tank?
I believe that it could be illegal. There is usually pretty strict regulations on removing pieces of the environtment. Also, I wouldnt trust anything such as rock or sand from a highly touristy region. It is likely contaminated with things you dont want in your tank. Like pollutants from gas engines and such.

If you do happen to pack some, you might have a hard time bringing them back into canada through your customs.
You can bring back shells, I would boil them before adding them to your tank. I'm not sure about sand or rock though. And corals are usually a no. Live ones, that is. Dead ones probably fall under the same category as rock.
Aint no way I'd add anything I found on the beach to my tank.But thats just me.
Just be sure to check with customs and local fish and wildlife office before you try to take anything except trash from the beach.
Getting on the wrong side of the law could cost you a wole more than your willing to pay for the tank.