adding corals


Reefing newb
I want to start adding some coral. I have a nova extreme 6 bulb t5 light. Any suggestions on which ones to get. I was going to order the beginner coral package from Dr. Fosters, but I'm a little nervous with the delivery because its cold where I live now. Also any suggestions on food for coral. I have live sand, should I add anything to my substrate?

How many watts are those bulbs? Add up all the watts of the bulbs and divide it by 45 that is how many watts per gallon you will have. My guess is that its plenty to keep pretty much any corals.

If you are new to it I would suggest starting off with soft corals. I like the hammers, frogspawns, toadstools, star polyps etc. Once you get comfortable you can start to venture into others.

Not sure what is in a package but I personally think its more fun to get frags a couple at a time and really watch them grow and multiply.

I have gotten 90% of mine on craigslist in my area. As they grow people will sell or trade frags and you get them way cheaper than at the store or paying shipping!

About twice a week I use cyclops the corals and fish like it. And about once every other week I use a tiny bit of Microvore which has plankton and other tiny creatures in it. No need to add anything to the substrate.

Most corals though are going to get what they need from the lights.
You should be fine keeping any soft coral, and most LPS corals. You do not need to specifically target feed your coral if you are using something like Rods Food, which has coral food in the mix.
That light should let you keep anything that you want, so what is going to be your limiting factor is your experience and water quality. Start with the easy soft corals and work your way up
Do the water changes stay the same when adding corals, right now I do 10% once a week. Also when I added 2 power heads i faced one down and one accross, is that right? It also changed the tanks substrate, it was nice and flate now from the power head it moved the sand into more like hills.

I just ordered a ro/di system, I was buying my water and it was getting expensive every week, I feed my fish 2 times a day but very little and I watch them it looks like they get it all. Should I change that? I have about 40lbs of live rock, should I add more? My protein skimmer is rated for, 90 gallons and I have 45 gallon tank, is that big enough?
House of Fins and Greenwich Aquaria sell corals and frags. A bit on the pricy side as they cater to the financially endowed community. If you are ever in Manhattan or surrounding areas i can suggest tons of places.
Thanks i live down the street from greenwich aquaria, the problem is I'm not the finacially endowed part of the community
If you are ever in the city weeknights or weekends I can cut you some frags of my pink and gold zoas, pulsing xenia, candy canes, and some other stuff, free of charge.