

Sausage Wrangler
I've posted about this before... and it has survived one round of Aiptasia X...
I could never get a good picture of it before, but I was moving the rock around this weekend, so the piece was closer to the glass.
Whaddya think?


I don't remember how long I've had this piece of rock (a month? six weeks? Two months?) but there haven't been any others popping up in the tank anywhere...
It looks like a curly q anemone, which some people consider pests just like aiptasia. Other people leave them be, since they don't seem to spread as quickly.
Hmmm.... maybe I'll leave it for now, then.
It really doesn't bother me... I've actually become slightly attached to it. I would think if it was aiptasia it would have spread by now? Plus... it doesn't have a really long column. And that's an indicator, isn't it?