alternates to live rock


Reefing newb
just started up my 55 gal saltwater tank. i have been planning on a fish only tank for a while now with the intention to start a reef awhile down the road (year or so). I do not particularly want to purchase 300 dollars worth of live rock for the tank right now but what else can i put in the tank to give the fish a place to live. I am gonna start with a couple clowns and then grow from there. what kind of other rocks or decoration can i use?
You're in DC? I live just 30 miles south of you :) Check out craigslist, too. Lots of people getting out of the hobby in the area and selling rocks cheap...mostly live rock, but selling them rather cheaply. Welcome to the site!
Welcome aboard.
You can also hand pick base rock at most LFSs to find the shapes you like.Then just buy a 5 or 6 pounds of good live rock with some good coralline coverage and you'll have it whipped.In 6 months time you wont be able to tell the difference between the base and live.
Yep just buy it dry. Marco Rocks The finest aquarium rock available, base rock, live rock, reef rock, marco rock, reef tank saltwater fish, live corals, Marco rocks, Fiji live rock, Tonga Live rock is a good site to order dry rock from. By the time you are ready for a reef tank, the base rock will be live.

Those 50/100 lbs Key Largo Rock looks great! Just a bit over $2/lb. Do they need to be cured before putting into the tank or can I just put them directly into the DT after rinsing them?
They don't need to be cured before adding to the tank. They are just dry rocks, so there is nothing to cure.

The Marco Rocks do look fantastic.
I used 90% those Marco rocks and just added a couple small pieces of live rock in my tank. You can see more about it in the first couple pages of my tank build. But be prepared they send much more then you purchase... at least I think they did in my case. :mrgreen:
Just give that dry rock a good high pressure rinse to remove any dust and its ready to become a reef rock.