Amazing Transformation


Reefing newb
Recently switched to RO water, Bought a ReefCleaners package and started running carbon/phosguard in my canister and here is 2 before shots and an after shot. Tank IMO is looking Amazing. Let me know what you guys think!


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Its crazy what a difference RO water makes. I recently was battling algae issues and decided to switch from a Coralife 3 stage unit to a BRS 4 stage unit and also beef up my CUC. It took 3 days and a 20% water change to get the algae in check.

Your tank looks great!
Great job! Thanks for posting your results.

If more people would do the research and set up their tanks the correct way to begin with, all these problems could be avoided! :)
Eh, People learn better from mistakes than anything. Plus my situation was weird.. I had everything perfect for a couple years, moved to a new house and used same water ect. and BOOM lol
Thank you, Now that I've got the algae all cleared up, I've got $200 to spend on some frags to really get some color into that tank. I think with 200 i should be able to really get that thing looking good.
Eh, People learn better from mistakes than anything. Plus my situation was weird.. I had everything perfect for a couple years, moved to a new house and used same water ect. and BOOM lol

The problem is that someone comes along and says, "oh i use tap water, it's fiiiiiinnnne" and then the next newbie sees that and then wonders why his tank ends up full of algae. RO/DI, GFO, Carbon, Protein Skimmer, don't use a canister for a filter, all GREAT advice that is preached time and time again and for good reason. There are the occasional tanks that go against the grain and have some success, but for the majority, these are time tested words to live by when it comes to having a long term successful and thriving reef tank.

There's way to many variables to know exactly what triggered your algae, but for all you know the rock could have been sucking up phosphates all this time and finally decided to release when you moved. Maybe not, but it's a possibility.

I'm not picking on you, and I think it's awesome that you were able to turn it around and post for all to see. You make a good point that we do learn from our mistakes, but mistakes in this hobby can be extremely frustrating, time consuming and costly. So we try to steer newbies in the right direction from the start.

Carry on! :)
I get ya, I pretty much know what did it to me... When i moved I didnt use the crushed coral i had before. I went with sand. That new sub introduced silicates and some other stuff which caused a mini cycle. After the cycle started it was rediculas to get under control.
Tanks looking great bud, and I know what you mean about using tap water. Unfortunately, I haven't gotten around to picking a RO/DI unit up yet. So, battling Algae not from lack of knowledge... more from lack of funds right now. But yeah, once I get the RO I'll expect a huge difference in the tanks appearance :p