

Reefing newb
Ever since I introduced a marineland 1200 powerhead one of my anemone's will not take hold of anything. I know they tend to walk around the tank but he had footed himself in a good spot on the bottom. The power head was aimed at the top providing a circular current that must have uprooted him.

I have adjusted the power head many times to try and give him time to anchor better or find a spot but he just barrel rolls around the tank with the current and doesn't even try to anchor down or pull himself. So i have also moved him several times as this morning he was right underneath my powerhead wedged in the corner of the tank between a rock sideways his foot not anchored to anything.

Also my coral beauty keeps eating its poop that comes out of its mouth. Strange?
when I fixed my flow my nem did that then I took some rubble and built it a fortress of solitude and it loves it. I've see folks to the same with a small section of PVC in there sand bed also.
Try shutting the flow completely off in your tank for a few hours to a day. I had to do that with a few of my anemones to get them to attach.
+1 Brian

I'd give him a little time and as afe spot where he's not getting blwon around. Then when he is ready he will pop his head out into the flow if he wants it. Remember he hasn't got muscles, he's like a balloon that inflates with water. Probably feelsl ike he's in a washing machine right now.

You could even hang an open jug on the iside of the tank, filled of course, and pop him in there. Or one of those bathroom suchtion on containers that has holes in it. I have done it before when separating anenomes and other things.
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